REALIZING THE INPLICATIONS OF WHAT SOMEONES SAYING "Non human intelligence exists. Non human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and has been ongoing." - Karl Nell, retired Army Colonel (salt conference) also reality check (Ross Coulthart) (May24) Avi Loeb asked a former Lockheed Martin official about Grusch's allegations of Lockheed being in possession of 'material' related to Grusch's UAP programs - "I would not say that it is wrong" (June 24) According to findings in a recent study, UFO witnesses may not be prone to misperceptions or related cognitive factors but instead may possess specific personality traits that increase their likelihood of encountering such phenomena. (June 15) OVERLORDS OF THE UFO (DOCUMENTARY 1976) Very nostalgic, complete with silly music and mono dialogue :) Black Budget Tech and UFOs with Aerospace Expert Michael Schratt - "The U.S. military and intelligence agencies have billions of dollars’ worth of secret projects they don’t want you to know about. These billions have funded a secret world of advanced science, technology, weapons, and various covert activities, which have always been shielded from congressional oversight and public scrutiny. Back in the 90s, Members of the House Armed Services Committee once said that 70 percent of the black budget could be declassified at no risk to national security." "NITINOL" Or more commonly known (and used) as "MEMORY METAL". Supposedly came from a military research lab in 1959, but was traced back to the BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE Much earlier than that. What was BATTELLE known for? It was one of the earliest military contractors to received crashed ALIEN space craft for study including possibly ROSWELL. ACCIDENTAL TRUTH - UFO Revelations: Patent Secrecy and PATENTS THAT WERE LOCKED BEHIND "TOP SECRET" "They'll Erase You" - Super Elites, Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs | Dr. Steven Greer | PBD Podcast PAE - Pacific Architects and Engineers, Inc Sound Familiar? even in NZ? read on down the reddit page: Lockheed acquired this business in 2006 and announced the intention to divest in 2010. Lockheed fully divested in 2011. Before I share their timeline, I'm going to detail why I believe this is the contractor that the CIA utilized to "block" (outbid through corporate transactions) Bigelow from getting the materials mentioned in Harry Reid's explanation of AAWSAP. 1) Why would PAE provide cover for the CIA? Well, they have experience with that already. - See, initially, Pacific Architects was a subsidiary of the Pacific Corporation, a multi-national business consortium headquartered in Delaware and wholly owned by the CIA. According to SLA Investigators in the past: "There is no such thing as not being a CIA employee if you work for Pacific Architects". So, in other words, Pacific Architects IS THE CIA. Lue Elizondo’s Book Summary: - Psychic Abilities and the Brain: Elizondo theorizes that the caudate-putamen brain region might act as an antenna for perceiving unusual phenomena, including UAPs. Gary Nolan suggested that if psychic abilities are real, they would have a biological basis, possibly involving genetic factors. DNA studies aimed to identify genes linked to enhanced intuition, psychic abilities, and UAP attraction revealed a significant number of individuals with Cherokee ancestry, indicating a potential genetic link. - Nature of UAP Visitors: Benevolent: Using Earth as a resource station without interference. Neutral: Observing and learning without significant interference. Malevolent: Preparing for an invasion, conducting reconnaissance and testing military capabilities. Events like Roswell and Socorro might fit into a broader pattern of reconnaissance or invasion preparation. - Reflections and Concerns: Elizondo felt existential dread and isolation processing this information. Questioned humanity’s readiness to confront the truth about UAPs and their potential impact. Worried that society might be overwhelmed by significant revelations that don’t fit existing narratives. = Internal Conflict: Felt a profound responsibility to protect his family and consider the broader implications of the information. Struggled with balancing national security concerns with the need for transparency and preparedness regarding a possible existential threat.
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