Subject: UAP Author: A REDDITOR IQN: GD2324

New to UFO/UAPs, want to get caught up on the UFO/UAP Topic?

I’ve been “into” this topic since the 1990s with the advent of the dramatized UFO phenomenon layered, X-Files and Stanton Friedman appearing on Larry King Live in the early to mid 1990s, UFO Cover-Up Live with Larry King (TV Special 1994) - ( .  This started the ball spinning round and round in my brain. I had the “bug.” I bought my first book called Communion by Whitley Strieber ( ) . This book deals with alien abduction, if that is an interest. This is not a book I would recommend getting started with. Another book that I got at the recommendation of fellow Sailor (I was on active duty in the US Navy at the time my interest started) , the controversial, Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper ( ) the link is to a first edition but this book has been revised allegedly because the published info was not real or erroneous.I have heard that this book is bogus to some degree but entertaining nonetheless w/ some decent UFO history. This is not a book I would recommend to get started with either.

Fast forward to nowadays and over the last few decades, I’ve watched countless documentaries, read quite a few books, and most recently listened to some of the best podcasts on the subject. I pondered on what it must be like to have been paying attention to the news lately or even caught highlights of the historic, The Committee on Oversight & Accountability, Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs hearing of 26 July, 2023, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency ( ). I would imagine if you were remotely interested or genuinely thought about what was being discussed you would be amazed and probably very curious.

This is a guide or list of just my recommendations and I feel it the best way to get a good, brief history and background on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) now called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs):

1) Get a quick brief about the history of UFOs here (  )

2) Watch the UFO (1956) documentary here for a little more detail of UFO history prior to the 21st century:

3) Watch the Larry King TV Special (1994) re: UFOs linked above

4) Read Ross Coulthart’s In Plain Sight ( ) - Good book summarizing the phenomenon up to 2017 & Leslie Kean’s UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record

5) There are tons of books that you can find besides Ross Coulthart’s. It is just a matter of opinion. Someone else may comment w/ an open source book that may be better. Just browse the web or subscribe to #UFOTwitter,  #UFOX, #UAPTwitter, #UAPX, & r/UFO, r/UAP on Reddit.

6) Read the following NYT article:

7) Forgot to mention, subscribe to a couple decent Podcasts re: the subject. I personally like and in no specific order:  


b) Need to Know ( )

c) That UFO Podcast ( )

d) Somewhere in The Skies ( )

e) Podcast UFO ( )

d) Micah Hanks Program ( )

e) Search for your own!

Also recommend to keep an eye on NEWS source, The Debrief ( ) & NEWSNATION ( ).

8) There are numerous documentaries and channels (e.g. History Channel, Discovery Channel) that have specials re: the topic of UFOs – look for them on Youtube!

Here is an example of a decent one that summarizes the current developments regarding the phenomenon 2004 - 2021 -

Also look for books, articles, & movies re: the topic.

Article(s): Here is an example of a fantastic document re: the topic:


Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: An Insiders' Account of the Secret Government UFO Program

Inside the US Government Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations

UFO of GOD: The Extraordinary True Story of Chris Bledsoe

American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology

Encounters: Experiences with Nonhuman Intelligences: Explorations with UFOs, Dreams, Angels, AI and Other Dimensions

Movie(s): Highly recommended, watch James Fox’s Out of The Blue ( ), The Phenomenon ( ), & Moment of Contact ( )

Modern Day / Recent Events

9) Read the following article:

10) Watch this NEWSNATION segment of 5 June, 2023 -

11) Watch The Committee on Oversight & Accountability, Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs hearing of 26 July, 2023, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency ( )

12) Watch this NEWSNATION segment of 31 July, 2023 -

13) Ross Coulthart @ The Victorian State Library [ ]  (Melbourne, Australia) of 12 August, 2023 - Pt.1 & Pt. 2

Resource(s) referenced: , UFO Research (NSW) - , & Australian UFO Archives - 

14) The Hill news special: The Truth Is Out There of 17 Aug 2023 - 

15) YeSTheory YouTube video wrt David Grusch and the Jesse Michels YouTube video round out through October 2023:


Jesse Michels: 

16) David Grusch on Joe Rogan’s Podcast (highly recommended)

17) TUBI Special coming January 9, 2024 - TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution | Official Trailer | A Tubi Original - Link when available

This list should satisfy some curiosity, now find your own books, podcasts, movies, & documentaries and share the news. For others in the know, please add to this list by commenting!

Let’s keep this topic alive, inform those that do not know. Keep in contact with your state representatives and advocate for DISCLOSURE!

Shared Resources & Recommendations

Above Top Secret - 

Archives For The Unexplained - 

Richard Dolan - 

Disclosure Tracker (thanks u/syswww) - 

Dreamland Resort - 

Globe-Wire -  ( ) may be worth keeping an eye on this one. It is new platform with some topic content

Linda Moulton Howe - 

Leslie Kean: 

George Knapp’s Statement to Congress 26 July, 2023 - 

Isaac Koi Uploads - 

Dr. Michael Masters - 

Need to Know (Coulthart & Zabel - Medium) - 

A Different Perspective (Kevin Randle) - 

Ryan Sprague’s Medium - 

Whitley Strieber - 

UFO/UAP Connector (Great Resource) - 

UAPDb - 

UAP Guide (thanks u/toolsforconviviality) - 

UFO Reporting Orgs/Repositories

ARRO (finally live):

Enigma Labs - 

Mutual UFO Network - 

National Aviation Reporting Center On Anomalous Phenomena - 

National UFO Reporting Center -

Scientific Coalition For UAP Studies - 

YouMap, posts of UFO sightings/reports - 

UFO Hunters - 

UFO Datasets

Dataworld (6 datasets available) - 

Kaggle (National UFO Reporting Center historical data - Inception to 2012) - 

University of Maryland, Computer Science - 

Instructions on how to import datasets (CSV) into Google Earth for visual interpretation - 

Reddit Links (Go down the rabbit hole)

These links are recommended from community (r/UFO & r/UAP) users. I did not post these, some links maybe null

From u/Wardee40 -

From u/GorgonStairMaster - 

From u/Electronic-Quote7996 -

From u/UnclaEnzo - 

From u/toolsforconviviality -

From u/kapitaali_com (List of related sites):

Adam Gorightly's website about his book "Saucers, spooks and kooks": 

Air Force's Project Blue Book files: 

MUFON UFO Journals: 

Keith Basterfield's blog: 

Curt Collins' Blue Burry Lines: 

Curt Collins' & Claude Falkstrom's The Saucers That Time Forgot: 

Robert Barrow's blog: